Dillon Chen MD, PhD
Currently a Resident Physician in Pediatrics and Child Neurology, UCSD
Toh Hean Ch’ng, PhD
Currently Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Mariana Fontes
GABAA program
Undergraduate: University of Lisbon, Molecular Biology and Genetics
Masters: University of Lisbon/Harvard, Human Biology and Environment
Rachel Jeffrey, PhD
Currently Assistant Professor at Southern Connecticut State University
Kwok-On Lai, PhD
Currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong in the Department of Physiology
Robert Moccia MD, PhD
Currently Research Fellow in Neurology, Harvard Departments of Neurology and Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology
Kimberly Thompson, PhD
Currently Director of Drug Discovery, Circuit Therapeutics, Menlo Park,
Besim Uzgil, M.D., Ph.D.
Currently a Resident Physician in Pediatrics and Child Neurology
Christopher Yi
Chris is currently a masters student at the University of Pennsylvania